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Motor Troubles

Motor Troubles - in Five Phases

  1. Trouble
    Blow head gasket in Alligator River, North Carolina. 
    Spend two days moving with a combination of sailing in shallow waters
    and pushing the boat at 2.8 knots with the dinghy. 
    Arrive in Manteo, North Carolina.

  2. Repair
    Rebuild motor in Manteo with the help of professional mechanic.

  3. More Trouble
    Motor and anchor for two days. 
    On the third day, spring compression leak in south end of Pungo River.
    Limp back to Bel Haven, North Carolina under dinghy power.

  4. Run Away!
    Trust me, River Forest Marina in Bel Haven is not the place to have a motor rebuilt or replaced.
    Get towed to Oriental, North Carolina. 

  5. New Engine
    Repower the boat at Deaton's Yacht Service in Oriental, North Carolina.