by Greg
Vero Beach, Florida
Since the previous post on the Kaufman family's Pacific rescue from their small boat Rebel Heart, many have been kind enough to send me other responses from cruising families. Many of these are very uplifting, so I thought I'd share a few with you.
First is a post from some fellow Mason 43 sailors who have been at sea for 12 years with their children on the boat Momo: On the balance of risk, freedom and choice: a response to the Rebel Heart controversy.(Thanks to Bob Miller.)
The author above, Michelle Elvy has also written a great article on the topic for the parenting journal "What To Expect" called What Sailing the World with My Kids Has Taught Me About Risk.
Another good article comes from the blog "Our Life with Ceol Mor:" Rebel Heart Is Not Just a News Item. The author has also put together a touching slideshow of cruising kids, shown at right.
Another is Baby On Board: Cruising with Kids and Dangerous Parenting from the blog WindTraveler. These guys have a two year old with more than 5,000 sea miles under her belt, and they have new twin girls!
And finally there's yesterday's New York Times piece by Ania Bartkowiak, a former cruising kid: Growing Up at Sea. (Thanks to Pam Freedman.)
It is great to hear from these cruising families.
Great meeting you here, Greg. Beautiful sailing boat you have there. And thanks for sharing the various links. Here is another story, just out today at the NY Times. Not as in depth as some of the opinion pieces, but offering more views on safety, etc.
Thanks, Michelle.
Was just reading another post by you on boat kids - Debunking the Baby Myth - from 2010. Enjoyed it!
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