At anchor, No Name Harbor (Biscayne Bay), Florida
The first leg of our voyage has been travel down the US Intracoastal Waterway from Deale, Maryland to Biscayne Bay, Florida. Motoring down this inland pathway at 9 mph was slow-going, made even more so by our engine-replacement and prop-wrap detours. But it has been a wonderful way to ease into the cruising life and see the eastern US coast. Here’s a photo-essay of each stop on our journey so far.
Our first stop was just one night, with crazy winds and waves. Greg watched a boat drag past us while he sat sleepless for most of the night on watch.
A remote and peaceful harbor in the lower Chesapeake Bay. We stayed an extra day after discovering the head pump was totally clogged. Paula cleaned out and rebuilt the entire pump while the kids enjoyed their first day completely unplugged.
This tiny fishing island in the Chesapeake Bay was a time-warp. Here, locals have mostly stayed-put since early settlement days, and their accent is closer to Elizabethan English than anywhere else in the world.
We just couldn't make the anchor set. We finally hauled it up. The reason turned out to be the ten foot log that we had hooked neatly in the middle.
The big city and Hooters was off our stern. We watched Navy ships pass by and visited local museums. The kids played some wild card games with new friends on s/v Aliento.
On the Elizabeth River we went through our first lock.
We tied up for the night at a marina on the waterway, nestled between stretches of marshy swamp land.
We enjoyed this beautiful river even though we just had our first engine disaster.
We couldn’t make it all the way to Manteo, so dropped the hook in the crook of an island. We traveled here from the Alligator River by sail and by using our dinghy as a tug-boat, since the motor was out of commission.
We stayed for two weeks to rebuild our engine. We enjoyed the small, artsy town and visited local museums and the Jockey’s Ridge dunes. Nicole participated in a yarn bomb and we celebrated Halloween with the locals
Just as beautiful the second time around, but this time with a working engine.
We stayed the night in the Pungo River at the mouth of Slade Creek.
Made it here after engine episode number two. We stayed at this dilapidated marina just long enough to know we needed to get elsewhere for our engine repair. The town is way past its hey-day, and the marina is in a sorry state of disrepair.
We had a lengthy six week stay at this boatyard in the small town of Oriental to replace our engine. We celebrated both Thanksgiving and Christmas here, and became fast friends with the family on S/V Refuge.
One night at this no-frills dock in an industrial city. One night was enough.
A large anchorage in this bay off Camp LeJeune. We were disappointed not to see any amphibious exercises by the US Marine Corps.
We arrived after the first passage warm enough to take off the foul-weather gear.
We celebrated New Years Eve by watching fireworks from the cockpit and sharing our hopes for 2014.
We spent three frozen days waiting for the weather to clear.
Stayed just one night in this narrow anchorage, watching the tide drop enough to make us uncomfortable about swinging toward the shore.
Daystar was dwarfed by the huge powerboats on the Megadock.
Not exactly a stop, we spent the night sailing the Atlantic after heading out the inlet in Charleston. Our passage was cut short by the propeller-wrap incident.
We enjoyed the sightseeing in Savannah and Bonaventure Cemetery while getting repairs finished.
A brief stay at a calm and peaceful anchorage.
We were fogged in for three days with nothing but marshy shoreline nearby. Visibility was mostly 1/4 mile or less.
We took a couple days to enjoy the fantastic bike paths through the nature preserves and quaint shops of this island.
It’s not all beautiful: this anchorage was cold, windy, and rough with no view.
Finally in Florida, but still cold and mostly rainy.
We spent a week seeing this unique historic city, with trips to Castillo de San Marco and the Alligator Farm. We befriended Marcy & Mike of S/V Trade Wind, an impeccably restored 1938 Alden motor-sailor. Cash got to try out Marcy’s on-board harpsichord (he played a Mozart Sonatina and the piano solo from Clapton’s Layla).
One calm night overlooking the remains of Fort Matanzas.
Had a great visit from family (Dad, Marion, Lily & Mike)
Filled a week doing numerous boat projects and with fun visits from old friends (Tom & Linda) and new (Will & Susan).
"Velcro Beach" lived up to its nickname. Our last extended stay to install solar panels and finish up the boat work. We had great visits from friends on S/V Refuge, family (Dad & Marion), and the Galbreaths, who are good friends from back home (link). Spent an hour live on the air with local radio personality Rhett Palmer.
Stop 35: North Palm Beach, Florida at anchor
A quick stay at the north end of Lake Worth. A much quieter part of the lake than the wild and crazy Peanut Island area right in the heart of Palm Beach.
Stop 36: Delray Beach, Florida on the dock at Delray Beach Municipal Marina
Finished some business and boat prep in this quaint marina right alongside the vibrant town.

Didn't stray from the boat during our short stay here, other than to swim.

Rocked and rolled at this wide open and crowded mooring field on Biscayne Bay. Took in the sights of Coconut Grove and readied for our crossing. Then waited and waited and waited for the right weather. In the meanwhile, we had loads of fun with old friends on s/v Quartet and s/v Millie and new friends on s/v Palantir and s/v Shambala.
Stop 39: No Name Harbor, Florida at anchor
We anchored in this protected spot on the east side of Biscayne Bay to stage for our crossing to the Bahamas. A short motor through the channel will get us into the Atlantic for our straight shot to Bimini. We plan to leave tomorrow morning at 3AM.
Safe sailing! Have a good crossing...
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